Awakening The Illuminated Heart ®
I am humbled to present a long forgotten process to automatically activate your Crystalline Body of Light – MerKaba. I studied and trained with Drunvalo Melchizedek, and now have the great honour of being a Certified Teacher of his wonderful work and present Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop to you.
Remembering the Sacred Space of your Heart and connecting Brain and Heart in harmony will allow the activation of a Halo around the head. When all this happens, one’s life completely changes, bringing true realization of the Unity of All Life! Your heart and soul will sing with the joy and bliss of finding your deep roots and purpose. It is a very powerful and life changing experience to bring you back to your origin, where you belong.
My goal as a teacher of Awakening The Illuminated Heart is to deliver this knowledge as purely as it comes from its founder, Drunvalo. My focus is to guide everyone to experience a strong sense of unity and love, which is enhanced in a group setting. Each student brings their own unique gift to enrich and support our entire collective energy and I create a safe environment for this to flourish. My instructions are simple, clear and practical so everyone can effortlessly enjoy the experience.
From this workshop, you will know exactly how to achieve the ancient state of consciousness, so what you dream in your heart can manifest in your everyday life; a beautiful, abundant life and ascension into the higher worlds become a natural result of living in your heart. If you are on this page and reading, you are ready to receive these sacred ancient practices and knowledge.
This workshop is a final confirmation that you have mastered your physical life on the third dimensional level and you are ready to experience the next 4th and higher levels of existence.
Let the Light and Love be with you forever!
Day By Day Highlights
Day 1 – Remembering The Sacred Knowledge
♥ Setting a sacred and protected space for our gathering with an Opening Angel Ceremony.
♥ Creation, Relationship between Unity and Polarity, Love and Fear.
♥ Connecting Sacred Geometry, emotion and thought. We will learn about the Sacred Space of the Heart and the Tiny Space of Heart and why it is important to open the heart in order for Ascension to begin.
♥ Experiencing the heart space with White Tantra Tibetan practice.
♥ Using Imagery from 6000 year old Kabbalah traditions in guided meditations, we will balance feminine and masculine energies within, preparing us for healing.
Day 2 - Healing Day
♥ Belief patterns and how they are affecting our life and healing.
♥ 13 Chakra System, Lower Heart Chakra, Upper Heart Chakra and how they are related to Unity and polarity. Why Lower Heart Chakra is the key to healing.
♥ Why we use sound for healing and how they are related.
♥ Group healing where the universal OM sound, our human compassion and love will blend together to help release stress, supressed emotional traumas and energy blockages. Beautiful, effortless and natural healing that is one of the most cherished highlights of the workshop.
Day 3 – Experiencing the Tiny Space of the Heart
♥ Pyramid/Flower healing meditation, gradually reaching the pure essence hidden inside us.
♥ Dancing in darkness, brings confidence in sensing the fields of energy around and is a beautiful preparation for entering the heart.
♥ Unity Breath Meditation is a gentle and blissful way to feel connected through love with Mother Earth and Father Sun. Still used by indigenous people all over the world to establish the vibration of the Holy Trinity, it is your sacred key to entering the heart.
♥ You are now ready to enter the Sacred Space of the Heart. Your intention will lead you to find the reason of your life here on Earth as written in the Akashic Records.
♥ Entering the Tiny Space of your Heart, the most Holy space in existence, will allow you to experience the field of unity of all life!
♥ The difference between creating from the duality of the brain vs. creating from the purity. and oneness of the heart. Why creating from the brain always has negative effects.
♥ Beams of Light, its history, spiritual tradition, science and of course, activation!
Day 4 – Activation of the MerKaBa, Connection and Integration
On the last day we will connect and use everything we have practiced and remembered so far.
♥ Connecting Brain and Heart through a unique, powerful and fun practice. Alfa brain waves are generated in this union and the ‘baby’ born is the opening of the Third Eye. A halo appears around the head.
♥ Introducing historical, spiritual and scientific aspects of the MerKaBa, what it can do for you here in 3D and how to program it.
♥ All the preparation is done for the most exciting moment: Activating the MerKaBa – The Human Light Body! The new way of activation becomes natural, permanent and complete, as its activation source is the Unity and Love in the Tiny Space of the Heart.
♥ Remembering one of the most creative parts of yourself: How to create from nothing using the Creation Process meditation.
♥ Closing Ceremony.
Is this workshop for me? Watch Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop Video
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Registration Process
For next available dates and locations of ATIH Workshop click here.
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* To obtain more information prior to signing up for the workshop, please email or contact me directly.
* If at the moment you are experiencing financial challenges, but you are strongly called to do this work, please contact me to discuss a payment instalment or find other possibilities.
Thank you Camellia for a lovely 4 days. I am very disappointed that it was just 4 days. I felt so much in love and warm that I wish we could stay in that state forever. Lots of love from the bottom, top, sacred, tiny well...whole of my heart!
Ayda Alp
Jul 26, 2015
Thank you so much my dear loving Camellia, for this truly extraordinary experience. Your amazing blend of careful guidance, kind patience, and a very huge heart made me feel safe and loved while making the workshop easy to follow and very enjoyable. You infused nurturing love the entire time and held the loving space that was needed for us. I felt your intuition guiding us through each step of the way so that we would feel the full spectrum of this experience to be able to live through the heart. You also held space for a unified love among all of us. My classmates were AMAZING!!! And I love them all. With LOVE, GRATITUDE & BLESSINGS, Sandra xoxo
Sandra Antidormi
Jan 25, 2016
Camellia is the most adorable, fun and loving teacher, with the patience and compassion of an angel. That being said she is very powerful and really knows how to hold space and make us feel safe and loved. She is the perfect teacher for these workshops. Her love is so pure and real I love her so much. I highly highly suggest her. <3 ? I love you forever! :)
Cristian Reyes
Nov 10, 2015
This was an amazing experience and it was mostly due to my teacher Camellia. She really lives and speaks from the heart which is perfect for such a workshop. She made the experience so powerful and amazing. She was able to explain and demonstrate everything with ease and she answered all our questions. I feel so blessed to have had her as my ATIH teacher and I would recommend her to everyone wanting to attend a ATIH Workshop. The experience was awesome and life changing. Thank you so much Camellia :) Namaste <3
Ahmic Marineau
Jul 14, 2015
To read more impressions of this teacher and workshop, please visit Camellia's page on Drunvalo Melchizedek's School of Remembering or click here for video recordings of Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop impressions.